Paintings For A Scanner Darkly

 These paintings were commissioned for the new limited edition of A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick (Suntup Editions, Oct 2020). There are two covers, and the interior illustrations are shown here in the order that they appear in the book.

A Scanner Darkly - Cover for the Artist Gift Edition (original painting is oil on panel, sold)

A Scanner Darkly - Cover for the Numbered Edition (original painting is oil on panel, sold)

"Any given man sees only a tiny portion of the total truth, and very often, in fact almost perpetually, he deliberately deceives himself about that little precious fragment as well." - Philip K. Dick, A Scanner Darkly

Scramble Suit - interior illustration (original painting is oil on panel, 20x16", sold)

The Endless Torment - interior illustration (original painting is oil on panel, 16x12")

Silent Constant Scrutiny - interior illustration (original painting is oil on panel, 12x9")

SuperCharge - interior illustration (original painting is oil on panel, 16x12")

Between Dimensions - interior illustration (original painting is oil on panel, 16x12", sold)

I Saw Death Rising From The Earth - interior illustration (original painting is oil on panel, 16x12", sold)


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